A Bumpy New Year and Resolutions
Fourteen days into 2016. Slow. Long. Not great days. Rain. Cold. More rain. Sick kid. No sleep. A new septic tank AND drain field in the front yard. All the mud all over. Nice to have a new septic tank. Not nice the mud. Four new tires and a crown on a kid's tooth had to happen. The school restart button stuck and we painfully pushed through some long days where I thought I must be the worst mother and teacher that ever lived on planet earth. I was sure that within a week I had pushed my children in the opposite direction of yearning to learn. Blank stares. Big pouts. Pleads to be “done”. All they wanted to do was read The Witches by Rhoad Dahl. Fortunately, we’ve found a rhythm and the good guys win in The Witches and it’s headed back to the library. We’ve discovered some pretty cool stuff about Chippewa Indians and Wilde Rice and some awesome leaf cutter ants that live in the Amazon River Basin and Johnny Tremain is finally pulling us in instead of c...