Living In A Dream World

William – Sometimes we just have to say, “You’re livin’ in a dream world buddy!”

This summer, we were driving down the highway towards Georgia. It was a white wash of rain – hard to see – hard to drive. William is shouting from the backseat, “We are doin’ it! We are doin’ it!”
If we can’t jump in the car for an adventure – he is looking for one. Out come his “dress ups”. Cowboy, fireman, Indian, pilot, doctor, dragon, Spiderman, Batman, a clown, a chef.

To William, “Everything is awesome.” Unless he is exhausted and needs a nap and something to eat.

This year, he figured out how to ride his bike with no training wheels without trouble at all. We went to Sanibel with George for a conference and he had to ride on a big bike. He paddled all around the island with no trouble at all. A little miniature man on two wheels.

He loves to help in the kitchen. Fry eggs, make waffles, make cookies, make pancakes, to make anything I’m making…

He’s decided he is into reading and letters and numbers, but he is sure to learn them on his own terms, when he is ready. He wants to know and he wants to see the words. Amelia is his best teacher.

He loves to sing into the microphone. Sing to us. Sing to Hannah. Sing and sing and sing. He is ready to play the fiddle with Amelia and George Wilder. He’s spent Christmas singing Christmas carols with great words for the ones he doesn’t know.

When he is full of energy and ready to run and play he announces, “I’ve got pressure!” Then off he goes with great speed and confidence.

His nickname is “Chingle Blaster”. I'm not sure what it comes from, but it fits him.

On our last road trip, he sang to us and talked to us about "Simulated Califorina".  A place he lives or would like to visit one day.

William. He lives in a dream world. We love to visit him there and sometimes, encourage him to come visit us here.


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