Some Serious Powerfully Reading: The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

 I found a copy of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever at our local Goodwill bookstore. I grabbed it for a buck. George was in California for a conference so I pulled it out to read to the children after dinner during the long haul before bed.

I started to read and they started to giggle. Lots of giggles. Lots of crazy. I thought I knew the story but I didn’t know it at all.

George was back before we’d finished and he joined in for our nightly reading. We laughed at the ridiculousness of the children and the adults and the obvious lessons about the sad truths and amazing truths surrounding Christmas and all the hoopla that comes with it.

The end of the story had us in tears and we were awestruck by the power behind this simple silly story. Put it on your list of Christmas reads with your kids for next year.


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