The Not First Day Of School

First day of school photos and ideas roll me over. Capturing kids posed has never really worked well in our family. We would have to stop what we are doing and brush hair and change clothes or put on clothes. And as the heat pounded down and as we sorted supplies and set up shop, I couldn't capture a minute. I don't know that I wanted to. It didn't seem very romantic or real or realistic.

Weeks have rolled by and we have found a groove. And we have also found some serious things that needed revisiting, revamping, reconsidering and so forth. We've explored Antarctica, Camels, Birds of Prey, Algebra, multiplication (William's crazy smile below captures the moment he discovered that skip counting is multiplication), the letter G, molecules, words, verses, poetry, art, acting, making google documents, making music, painting, baking, studying the seasons, learning how to tell time...

And with that, I've collected some images and movement. If you were here, you would see what appears to be an ordered system followed by a pile of chaos and tears, chased by a miraculous moment of insight and discovery, ending with fears of failure. And George and I are in the mix of it all making sense of it as we go -- humbled by the opportunity, excited for the future, and waiting to see what comes next.


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