Amelia, Our Teenager
Amelia’s name means “to make right”. She lives into her name more than anyone I’ve ever met. She wakes up each day with an agenda to create and do and learn and live fully. She doesn’t want to waste a thing. She sees life as an absolute treasure. If she is sitting still, there is something in her hands which she is weaving (even banana peels), folding, carving, painting, twisting, or turning into something beautiful.
She hears and sees and feels the presence of birds all around her. If she could, she would incubate and hatch one of every bird egg she ever found and raise a flock of all birds that exist. She has been drawing and painting birds since she could hold a pencil and brush. She continues to paint beautiful birds.
She takes clay, leaves, bark, roots, ash, flower petals, mushrooms, or coffee grounds and figures out how to make rich colorful dyes. She dyes yarn and material and wool and keeps a detailed record of her colors and combinations.

She loves to write letters and receive letters. She loves to include people in her life and people want to experience her life!
She talks fast because she has so much to say and wants to get it all out.
She is silly. She has always always been silly. She love jokes and stories and tricks and silliness in general.
She is aware. She wants to serve and she wants to know and she wants to try.
She doesn’t give up. She enjoys deep lasting friendships.
She is one of a kind with her pile of vibrant red hair always braided down her back.
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