Happy Hannah At Almost One
A year ago, about to bust with baby, I tried to imagine what life would look like with a fourth child. Nearly a year later – life with our babbling, bouncing, boisterous Hannah looks a little like this. Alert. Loud. Outgoing. Friendly. Busy. Curious. Constant. Exhausting. In the midst of everything. Always. I was sure, perhaps, Hannah would be laid back. At first, she was calm and happy right there in the middle of what we were doing. Apparently, she was simply saving up all her mental energy and reflecting and processing on the behavior of all the children around her so that she could join them in their endeavers as soon as possible. Today we went to the the nursing home to take Christmas Cards to the residents. She motored down the hallways vigorously waving her hands and squealing at each person we passed. She would crouch down and hide and show herself again. She was totally aware that she was being watched and that she could entertain her ...