Ready For Another Conversation

So here is what 38 weeks looks like this time around, which is just the same as the others. And the time has already slipped into another week. At 39 weeks, we've reached the long long wait at the end of "any minute". Any minute turns into long hours and days and weeks and nothing happens. So we keep trucking. 

To be honest, some days, I don't want to truck. I don't want to do anything but sleep it away. Some days it seems like another day can't go by, but then we get to check one more thing off the list and play  in the beautiful sunshine and it is worth the waiting. 

The Christmas holidays bring activity and plans and creations and that distracts from the waddling around and hip assorting and finding something to wear in public. 

Some trucking days are full swing. Long walks with the children, reading, writing, thinking, soccer in the front yard, errands, play dates, Christmas parties, cooking, sewing, picking collards and greens from the garden. We took the kids roller skating and William wants to know why I don't want to skate. I can honestly say, I don't really care much about roller skating, but at this point, I would absolutely love to dash around the skating rink.

I'm ready for conversations that don't start, "So when are you due?" Or, "Wow, when are you going to have that baby?" 

I'm learning to smile and change the subject as much as possible, but it is also all that is on my mind and that makes it hard to think up another conversation. 

We are ready to meet baby Boggs. We are ready to hold and touch and feel and see and hear and share. 

Soon enough.


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