Trash to Trailer

We thought it was time to get a truck. But trucks don't grow on trees. Instead, we had some work done on the Subaru and had it fitted with a hitch. We thought we'd get a trailer, but they don't grow on trees either -- even here in Florida. 

When George said he was going to try and rebuild the old, falling apart, rotting trailer, probably last serviced in the 70s, sitting on the back of the property, I didn't see it happening. But, George is on a mission to learn and think about how to create and build and rebuild. With the help of our friend Rob, George learned to weld, purchased some new wheels, replaced some wood, and with a few more adjustments, we had a trailer. It was an event here, the maiden voyage. The children happily loaded up piles of limbs and supervised as the trailer carried them to the fire pile. And it made for a perfectly lovely evening ride with the cousins around the property. 


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