A Georgia Weekend

 Amelia takes flower stalks and fills them with cornmeal. Wraps and twists and configures. She takes walnuts and makes dye and strips of cloth and paper plates take the color and hang out to dry. She collects a downed pigeon and proudly displays the gorgeous feathers. Of course she collected them.

 William rides tractors, horses, four wheelers, scooters, and swings. He is completely soaked into the day. He has stories and plans and food to eat to refuel. He takes lessons and learns and is determined to keep up.

 George Wilder was gifted his grandfather's hat. He didn't take it off. He flew kites with it, he rode bikes with it, he wanted it on and he wanted to play. Such sweetness in Georgia at the farm.


  1. I love that we live so close to George's parents!! Great to sneak in a visit :)


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