The Flying Show

 The snake and the manatee were under the Christmas tree. They'd picked them out. Incorporated into daily routines, play time, car rides, bedtime, mealtime -- they even take them up into the trees.

 A manatee in a tree. They called me outside to watch their show. At the base of the trampoline, manatee sat silently with snake curled up on her head. They told me it was the sign that the show was going on. "Your mascot?" I asked. "Maybe you could make a flag with them on it, so you could carry it in your show or have signs posted for the show.
Immediately, papers, pencils, markers, scissors, rulers, sketch books, drawing books, ideas, and chatter were scattered across the floor. Two hours later they returned with a name for their show, flags, signs and posts for pay. Amelia thought they should wear plaid. They found plaid.  I paid for William and I. Four quarters. Two for each of us.

 They sang "Let's Go Fly A Kite" -- completely choreographed. Then "The Wheels of The Water" and a final finish and bow. We cheered and danced and soaked in the sun. William follows behind singing and chatting.


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