Taking Shape

Taking Shape. We are glad when things seem to be shaping up and when our children seem to interfere with that process, we ask them to shape up too. We like to be in shape. No one wants to be "out of shape." 

Shapes. We like to feel shape.

The children are shapers. They shape building blocks into playgrounds and horse barns.

 They shape sticks into harpoons for hunting wild animals they might encounter in the midday sun.

They take their pencils and shape ovals and sticks into beautiful birds and flowers.

Oh, but when it is time for something new, something they might mess up, then they get frustrated that it won't be perfect the first time. They feel out of shape and don't want to start the "shaping" process.

It's time to remind them, and mostly myself, that no one gets it right the first time. Experimenting, trying, recreating, mixing this and that.

So George Wilder decided to take a first solo step into the kitchen. The muffins are warm and with a little jelly, delicious. They weren't perfect, but they had shape.

And I'm preaching to the choir. I need to let things take shape.

I feel like I'm out of writing shape and reading shape and creative shape. Sort of feeling like a blob.

We had a little bit of an internet issue and for six weeks, I really couldn't blog and now I don't want to. It takes such energy and effort and thought to think about what to write. It used to flow just at the right time and in the right space. Out of shape.

Reading. I love to read. I've quit reading in favor of sleeping or cleaning up or running. The thought of cracking open a book and committing to it. To processing someone else's ideas and stories. Don't have the stamina right now. Totally winded.

Creativity. Now. I'm not sure I've ever gotten to far on this one, but I've always loved playing with the kids and coming up with adventures. My ideas don't seem to take shape. They feel like big fat lumps.

This is that first workout after too long. Wow, I'm already winded! It is going to take awhile, but there can't be any stopping or staying or fearing that it won't be this mind boggling text or perfect picture or wonderful life changing book or adventure.

So here we go. . . . Things are starting to take shape.


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