Wassily and Osito

School Starts.
Well, we pick up where we left off several months ago. 
Wiggly and not sure what to do with ourselves, we dig into words and numbers and stories and some science and cooking. Some writing, some memory, some songs. 

We go on a scavenger hunt for spiders and mushrooms and feathers. 

They can read and skip count and tell time. 

But we freeze when it comes to a pronoun and what "ment" means and why it is attached to words.

They suddenly are tired and have headaches when we need to focus. They are not even sure about the art lesson on Wassily Kadinsky (thank you Clare for the idea!), but we stay on it and finish and William waits on a stool and doesn't touch his lunch until the others join him. They are proud of their art work and understand the abstract and know where Moscow is. Not close to us. . . . 

We finish Julie of the Wolves and Amelia weeps and I hold her and we are torn with love and pain and a need for more of Julie, who isn't really Julie but Miyax.

And we eat lunch and jump on the trampoline singing,

"Osito Osito da una vuelta"

"Teddy Bear Teddy Bear Turn Around"

William turns and the children sing in Spanish.

It is our first week of homeschool and I am tired and feel alone and my anger bubbles 
And my heart swells. It is wonderful. It is difficult.
We are collecting and learning and growing and that is good.


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