Because of Boston and Because I Have Boys

For me, Boston is more than a thought or a dream.
Because I've run that route and crossed that line
Because Boston is power and pain coursing through 
My body, ripping through my legs -- just from the run.
Because I believed and accomplished
A hard to reach goal and finished.
Because I want to do it again -- 8 years later.

I'm angry.
Someone created horrible pain and ripped apart
The power and the beauty and the glory and the dream.
I'm angry that someone took away what they had 
No right to remove. 
They took away the finish line.

The finish of the race, the finish of a dream.
The finish of life and love and family.

 I'm angry.
Because I have boys. 
Because I know that boys are curious and intense and powerful.
Because boys need to cuddle and love and kiss and hug.
Because boys love adventure and danger and events.
They love to know they are needed and wanted.
Boys want good food and someone that expects
Them at the table to eat it and say, 
"This is the best soup I've ever tasted."
Boys need to set off rockets and shoot
Bows and arrows and build castles with 
Bricks or sticks and legos and blocks.

 I'm angry.
Because we are ignoring young
quiet men that are dying inside 
And don't question the quiet.
We are just glad they are not bothering us.
Until they explode or explode something else. 
We let quiet slip out the door and don't 
make them stop to eat fried chicken
or wash a shirt or throw a ball.

Because I have been to Boston.
Because I have boys.
I will not let this all slip by.
I will love my boys and I will go back to Boston.
If you know a young man. Feed him.
Love him. Talk to him. Buy him a new shirt.
Wash his shirt. Kiss his cheek. Tackle him.
Throw a ball around -- Write him a note. Give him a job.
Let him break apart an old shed and build a new one.
Build up our young men and they will not break.
Build up Boston and run!


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