Bibs By Boggs
At the Boggs' house, we have some serious spills happening on a regular basis. From meal time to paint projects to brewing hour, splashing is happening. Drooling, dripping, swishing, spilling, slipping, dipping, spraying. Our clothes seemed to be getting a bit worn and splotchy. I caught myself wiping my hands on the sides of my pants while I was in the kitchen. I made so bibs to start with and then an apron for meal time prep. That is how it started. I've had a blast making some seriously cute bibs. A friend asked if I could create an apron for her little one for Christmas and I couldn't believe how quickly it came together! My grandmother sewed a lot and I have always wanted sew and now it is just coming to me every day!
If you and your clan or someone you know has a drooler, spiller, splasher, or dripper, then these bibs will make the perfect gift. If you would like to order a bib or two or three or an apron -- send me a message here in the comments or email me at I'd love to take your order!!!
I'm working on an Etsy Shop BibsByBoggs. It is up and running but needs some help!!!
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