Fall Fun

Yes that is a violin on top of an upside down trash can, but when it is time to brew and the weather is right, why not use the waiting time to fiddle.  George sure knows how to use his time most efficiently. He has picked up so many tunes and has taught Amelia a few. They will be dueling in no time!

 William has found all the spots and crooks and crannies and pantries. He is into everything!

They were sure they could carve their own pumpkin and they did a great job and the trip to the pumpkin patch was super exciting.

 The temperature dropped and Amelia got out all of her warm clothes. Her fashion statement is something between a logger/GapKid/glitter girl.
 Friend Dorrie came over to do some potato stamping. We had the most glorious time creating intricate designs on the potato half! Dorrie's husband, Rob, will turn them into real stamps and we will have real stamps of their tree and flower to go on a stamp scavenger hunt!

 Box arrives from grandmother with grand costumes. Amelia is Indian and George Wilder is horse. George Wilder had a cowboy hat, but it didn't make it back from friend's house and Amelia had a perfect head band with feathers, but it didn't make it down from the tree house! The horse costume is brilliant.
Clare, Leora and Amelia get ready to collect some treats!
 The whole crowd can hardly hold still before heading out to collect candy.


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