Sweet William

Sweet William wakes up looking for the children. He spots them and grins and dives for the floor. Off like a shot he races to grab and pull up on a chair or a laundry basket, or drawer. Anything that gives him height --takes him closer to brother and sister. They laugh and sing and throw the ball or make music or race across the floor. He loves them.
He is so proud. He has mastered the stairs. Up and down.
He eats his breakfast -- grapes, yogurt, pear sauce, blueberries. More grapes. His entire body wiggles done and down he goes again.
A banging at the backdoor with Lucy by his side.
They race to the back deck stairs.
Lucy finds her ball and brings it right away.
William nests in the dirt and begins his daily grass pull. Lucy faithfully returns her ball over and over as, in between grass pulls, William tosses it away ever so slightly.

 When it is time to come inside, I hold him straight out and straight to the tub. Scrub off the dirt and down for a nap. His room is peaceful and perfectly not complete, but I love the cool tile floor and the cedar ceiling and visiting light. Haven't had time to make sashes so I just tie the curtains.

Busy boy helped put away dinner but not before getting one more taste of my first homemade French bread. He laughs with his head straight back. He knows exactly what he is doing. 

In the thick of a newborn and moving, I didn't soak in some infancy. Suddenly, capturing William's life is a joy. I want to pause for days and watch him join Amelia and George Wilder dig in the sand. It is happening fast. He is ready to walk and talk and explore. He is an adventurer. He is my sweet jolly William. 


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