10 Things To Love About Today

1. William is asleep right now. He isn't fussing.
2. Dr. Bronner's SAL SUDS. Smells so nice. Cleans and is free of everything (Thanks Maria!)
3. Wine.  (I'm smiling really big on this one)
4. George's hard work.
5. Amelia's heart for art and projects and imagination and love for gardening.
6. George Wilder's excitement at gymanastics class
7. The invitation to bring Amelia to ride horses from one of George's students.
8. This website http://tinkerlab.com. (My dearest Emily passed it along -- minds already rolling with ideas(
9. Amazon. This means I don't have to leave my house for a. a new glass for our French press that I broke three days ago. b. stuff to make soap from the great soap recipe on tinkerlab.com.
10. My sweet friend Clare and her great ideas that we immediately incorporated into our school day. And all are a great hit.


  1. Yay for the web sight! ha her stuff made me wanna be home schooled. ha


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