
Yes. We are moving. This is a big word for my vocabulary right now. It is a packed word. Literally. Packed. We start packing. We will move. Writing it is a huge step. We are saying it out loud. For four years we have known this would come. Finally, the studying, the writing, the researching, the living on love, the stress, the joy, the fun -- our stay in Athens is over. George graduates. We knew we couldn't stay and now, we have the opportunity of a life time.

George will be teaching and researching at Florida State University. We move to Tallahassee this summer! We went last week to find a house and we did. We took the children to see this new town we will live in. It wasn't one of our more grand moments -- the entire trip wasn't a grand moment. House hunting with children and navigating a new town with children don't really go together.

It was filled with patches of perfection. The trip to the nature museum to see red wolves and emus and panthers. An afternoon at a local park where the children splashed in the river and we sat in the shade of a huge oak tree dripping with spanish moss. Visits with professors. Finding the wonderful home we will live in. Visiting a local beach teaming with marine life.

It is a miracle we found our house. It feels like it was made for us. It will be a wonderful place for you all to visit and it is quite close to some beautiful beaches.

We returned a bit road weary. I haven't found much to look for that was worth listening to except the negative. Today, it came back to me so I dusted off the camera and captured a bit of it.


  1. Yay! Congrats to the Boggs Family. I love and miss you, guys. We will have to visit FSU and you should totally come to Nashville.

  2. Thanks! Visiting Nashville would be crazy fun. And you can come to Florida! We are so excited. George is waiting to defend and then he graduates!!! We can't wait! Seems like Nashville is perfect for you guys!

  3. Will be praying for your move! It's a big deal with kids, I know. Loving peeking into your life through this blog!!


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