Where the cactus grow

He has been in a spider man costume for 48+ hours.

He ate a banana and two sausage biscuits for breakfast.

On the way to church he saw a cactus plant and exclaimed: "Cactus grow in the desert and at
Chips and Salsa Houses". They grow right there at "Chips and Salsa Houses" (Mexican Restaurants).

At lunch he announced: "I'll eat what you serve me."

He spells everything out that he sees. "What does t-a-l-l spell?" "I know that j-a-y is for jay bird."

He doesn't like that his sister runs faster. He doesn't like it when she makes up all the rules to the games. He doesn't like to be two feet or two minutes away from her. She doesn't like to be away from him and she doesn't like it when he want to sit on the exact same branch of the tree.

He likes to wiggle in between mom and dad at six in the morning for his last hour and half of sleep.

He orders his breakfast every night before bed. . .

George Wilder's expression tells the story. He wants to be on Amelia's branch.
Recycling week. What can we make with our trash? It was a crown but it became a cabin where people sleep on leaves with blankets made out of leaves that have been sewn together.

Sister and brother have their own stories, but I'll save them for another day.

Amelia's best friend - Tess.
Sweet boy bouncing away in his chair
William combats a fever with damp cloth and paci.


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