Gearing Up For Baby

Grandmother Boggs has the children for three days. Three days to sew, clean, garden, get hair cut, run errands, read, clean, organize, bank, grocery store, consignment store . . . It is crazy. I've made lists and checked them off. Seriously, all of it. Crazy, I know.
I've had a blast collecting essentials for baby from consignment stores, consignment sales, friends, friends of friends, craigslist, local stores, big retail stores, online. I'm still short a few items and I'm excited to see who might want to sell some to me. I'd much rather use used if possible. Here is the list:
1. Two booster seats for the car with backs (we have a Subaru and we've gotta get all three of them across the back seat!)
2. An infant carrier George can use like a baby bjorn
3. A small pack n play (graco makes a "mini") with the sheets
4. A stroller frame thing that the carseat can snap into

You can simply respond to the post in the comment section if your interested in conducting a bit of business!!!


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  2. Oh, and I can send you a pic of the wrap too, if you want.


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