A quiet heart
I woke with a very loud heart. A crying out heart. A not at peace heart. Frankly, a sort of anger at the world heart. A fearful heart. A mean heart. I didn't wan't to be mad and gloomy. I just felt that way and couldn't break it.
George gladly sent me out on a few errands. Without any clear direction, I headed for Trader Joe's. A safe start - some groceries. As I checked out, one of the Trader Joe ladies walked straight over to me and handed me the most magnificent bouquet of sunflowers.
The storm began to calm.
At Starbucks, I crack open Keep a Quiet Heart by Elizabeth Elliot and begin reading. Oh - what a wealth of words, so much of it those buried in the scriptures I've read over and over. The loud is gone and I'm thinking clearly.
I find some fun fabric and an origami set at Goodwill, collect some school supplies from Target and head home with a stilled soul.
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