November Tomatoes and Tea
In the middle of the summer, George and the children cut the tops off of dying tomato plants and put them in jars of water to root. The table stayed busy hosting rooting tomato plants. When one set was ready, they planted them back into the ground, cut more and tops and kept going. The story goes deeper than rooting tomato plants. When we were at UGA, George collected heirloom brandywine tomato seeds from an ethnobotanist. We grew them and lost a ton of those starts to neglect, chickens, weather, etc. We planted the last of the seeds only to watch the plants wither through the summer from the heat and nasty pests. The transplanting worked and huge green tomatoes appeared in September. By the end of October we were harvesting tomatoes and saving seeds. We've been eating fresh tomato sandwiches for lunch in mid November! Amelia gathered the last of the green ones before the frost and we keep vigilant hoping they will turn red. We've a good batch of seeds now and ho...