We are explorers. We are discovering. At least we hope that is what we are doing. . .
The children are discovering the littlest berries and egg shells and feathers and letters and words and chapter books! Amelia has now made friends with Laura Ingles Wilder and her dog Jack. She knows Stuart Little and Jack and Annie in the Magic Tree house. George Wilder will spell anything Amelia tells him to and he is full of imaginative stories.
And we love numbers. The bigger the better. If we make a word problem for the children involving eggs and hens, they can solve it!
(A mayner cow. The cow can swim. It can run, it can jump. It can go to a farmer's market and lots of people are there and it scares him but he likes it because it's fun.)
George is researching and collecting words and letters. He collects from students and philosophers and thinkers. He figured out how to build a zip line and a set of monkey bars under the shade trees. He's found a new way to pl...