May 31 The ending of an enduring month. The spring pushed out by summer a bit early. The newness of changing seasons quickly replaced with heavy hung heat and a longing for rain. This met with a piercing pain sung with cries for death to come and end the perfectly long life my grandpa lived. It came with a final breath. The mortal flame -- extinguished. Yet, when the weight of wait lifted, it left a ravine of sorrow and part of my life was plucked off. So now there is a return to the everyday but with a piece missing. Everywhere I go, I see my grandpa's smile. I see his hard work, his tenderness, his love, his spirit, and his joy. This is what I must graft into my soul. And it takes serious care. Thoughtful consideration, reflections, observation. It is an exercise, a discipline until it has taken and stays alive in me. I look at specific ways to change or move forwards. To know my Christ and his word and his teaching mostly. And with this, I want to write regularly. I want to prac...
Showing posts from May, 2011